Russian food and pharma companies now have access to the wide ranging benefits of operating a Process Analytical Technology (PAT) production and development environment using synTQ from Optimal. The market leading PAT software platform offers shorter lead times in the lab, plus, continuous production and real time release in manufacturing, in addition to quality improvement and the advanced data needed for in-depth traceability. With a number of the global majors already standardising on Optimal’s synTQ V5, interest in the official launch at the Moscow Pharmtech & Ingredients 2016 event’s Pharmtechprom Forum is expected to be high.

Pharmtech & Ingredients 2016 takes place from the 22nd – 25th November 2016 at Crocus Expo IEC, Pavilion 2 in Moscow, Russia.

Dr. Hubertus Rehbaum of Dr. Rehbaum Technology Consulting (Berlin, Germany) in cooperation with Michael Kurako Ltd (Moscow, Russia) will be utilising synTQ V5.0 during a presentation entitled ‘How to implement PAT for pharmaceutical production environments’, taking place on Wednesday 23rd November in Conference Hall E. The presentation will tackle PAT challenges such as implementation strategy, improvement of product quality and the economics surrounding the utilisation of PAT.

PAT platforms such as synTQ V5 are currently sending shockwaves through the pharmaceutical manufacturing sector; as the technology has been proven to slash production times, offer real-time quality attribute analysis and control to regulatory standards, enabling the realisation of real-time release of pharmaceutical compounds to market. Such advantages have proven a major catalyst for adoption of the software by global pharmaceutical majors. To aid this process Optimal has made a concerted effort to share its great application knowledge with the industry, transmitting the lessons it has learned from implementation and making developments in the software aimed at supporting its individual users.

Dr. Rehbaum’s presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of PAT methodology for Russian pharmaceutical manufacturers to improve production – for both primary and secondary manufacturing processes. Dr. Rehbaum will be providing attendees with successful examples of PAT implementation via Optimal’s synTQ PAT software, which will actively demonstrate the value of the technology. Furthermore, spectroscopy for the assessment of product quality metrics will be explored, a fundamental facet of automatically assessing and modifying quality attributes during PAT production processes.

At the booth of Michael Kurako Ltd (Hall 8B107), Dr. Rehbaum and the team of Michael Kurako will also be available after the presentation for technical discussions and live demonstrations of software and solutions regarding the technology.

‘How to implement PAT for pharmaceutical production environments’ takes place on Wednesday 23rd November 2016 from 14.55 – 15:25 in Conference Hall E, Crocus Expo IEC in Moscow, Russia during Pharmtech & Ingredients 2016.