IFPAC Washington 2018 will again see the attendance of Optimal Industrial Technologies, one of the key industry players in process analytical technology (PAT) for industrial process applications. The business will be displaying synTQ V5, a PAT platform that has become standard within the pharma industry, and the demonstration will show new features such as Control Charts and the MSPC viewer. The event takes place from February 11th – 14th, with Optimal located on booth 308.

IFPAC Washington 2018

Since 1987, IFPAC events have worked to highlight the importance of advanced manufacturing sciences, gathering experts in these technologies to gauge and discuss progress and the future of pharmaceutical and bioprocessing development. Optimal falls squarely into this category, with the business regularly attending IFPAC events worldwide to highlight its proven software package, synTQ.

During operation, synTQ collates information regarding process and product quality attributes in a non-destructive manner via instrumentation. Data is processed in real-time and applied to pre-defined multi-variate models, which provide knowledge to make product quality predictions. Predictions are enacted across the line to facilitate closed loop control based on quality, which allows manufacturing to be automatically controlled in real-time.

This regulatory compliant, holistic quality assurance system can eliminate post-production testing. As a result, time to market for pharmaceutical and biotech products is greatly reduced. Equally applicable to any stage of the product lifecycle, the wide-ranging benefits of synTQ has seen its adoption by the majority of the pharmaceutical majors.

Furthermore, Optimal is providing end users with a new entry level platform to gain the benefits of PAT, synTQ Lite. Originally developed for manufacturers and academia to gauge the opportunities provided by PAT with a small knowledge management package, synTQ Lite is now available as a standalone product. The software is ideal for single unit operations or singular production lines, offering the same expediency benefits of the full version but for applications of a reduced size. Upgrade paths to the full version of synTQ FM are seamless, providing end users with an intuitive step up when it comes to full PAT roll out. Coupled with its cost-effectiveness, synTQ Lite is growing in popularity for GMP and non GMP manufacturing as well as for trial systems.

Martin Gadsby, Director at Optimal Industrial Technologies, expands: “We typically take the opportunity provided by these events to help smooth implementation paths for potential and existing users. PAT must be implemented on an application by application basis, so we try to promote an exchange of ideas within the PAT community. However, with synTQ Lite, we can provide potential users with a cost effective route towards ascertaining the benefits of the technology, by trialling implementation on a single production line. We feel that with this addition, the step-up to full PAT production for end users in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors has never been more straightforward.”

IFPAC Washington 2018 takes place from 11th – 14th February at Bethesda North Marriott, North Bethesda, Maryland (Washington, D.C.) U.S.A. Optimal Industrial Technologies will be available on stand 308 throughout the event.