Optimal has been a mainstay at IFPAC events for a number of years, with the business utilising the show as a chance to touch base with the industry and its end users. IFPAC China takes place in Shanghai from the 24th-26th September – with PAT enablement and roll-out set to be a main topic of discussion.
Many major manufacturers are currently making the switch to PAT platforms such as synTQ due to the increased efficiency, product quality and speed of production they provide. Optimal has been delivering these benefits to industry for a number of years now, and is actively supporting its end users in defining their optimum implementation paths for a seamless PAT transition. Fully supported by the FDA and now major manufacturers, PAT is quickly heading towards becoming the industry standard.
synTQ utilises non-destructive methods to gather information on product quality attributes during manufacture – data is then compared in real-time to multi-variate models to predict and adjust for optimum product quality mid-process. A regulatory approved PAT line eliminates the need for testing post production, which greatly speeds up the manufacture of products, while simultaneously offering holistic quality assurance.
The technology is applicable to the entire product life cycle from development to manufacture, and can be used in pharmaceutical, biotech, chemical and food applications. Such systems are now realising the goal of continuous manufacturing and regulatory compliant real-time release for these products.
Martin Gadsby, Director at Optimal Industrial Technologies, will also be conducting a number of presentations at the event, covering the capabilities of synTQ and possible implementation paths for end users. Those looking to make the step-up to PAT are encouraged to check the agenda to avoid missing out.
Martin commented: “With the adoption of PAT really gathering pace, we feel IFPAC events are the perfect opportunity to relay our experience with the technology to our end users and the industry as a whole. synTQ is delivering a balance of improved product quality, increased efficiency and enhanced profitability to manufacturers – so it really is revolutionising the traditional industry approach to the production of pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, chemicals and food.”
IFPAC China 2017 takes place from the 24th-26th September 2017 at the Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel in Shanghai, China.
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