Process analytical technology (PAT) specialists Optimal Industrial Automation will be at IFPAC Washington this year to deliver a presentation in a session chaired by Ian Leavesley of Lilly and titled “The Overlooked Gap between real-time data and offline data for Data Analytics: Data Management – technical and cGMP considerations”. In addition, Optimal will be showing its revolutionary PAT based software platform synTQ V5 throughout the exhibition. Optimal developers will be on hand to share experience on implementing the technology and the huge potential benefits of deploying it in a production and development environment.

Visitors will be able to find Optimal at Booth 204.

IFPAC Washington takes places from the 27th February to 2nd March at the Marriott Hotel, North Bethesda, Maryland U.S.A. and will focus primarily on emerging technologies to modernise pharmaceutical production and bioprocessing. Since its conception in 1987, IFPAC has long provided an international forum for regulators, manufacturers, academia and end users to discuss new developments in the industry. Optimal has been heavily involved in the PAT community over the years, as synTQ represents one of the few proven PAT frameworks available on the market – a status that has seen uptake of the software from a number of the global pharmaceutical majors.

A key aspect of effective control for continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing processes is handling large amounts of data at high speed. To demonstrate the methods for achieving this, Paul Gillham Technical Sales Manager at Optimal will be in a session chaired by Ian Leavesley, Associate Engineering Advisor at Eli Lilly, to explain how this can be achieved on the synTQ platform. The talk will take place during the Thursday 2nd March PM-III session, in Grand Ballroom H from 1.05pm onwards.

synTQ interfaces to multiple univariate data sources plus spectral instruments, and facilitates the prediction of one or more product quality attributes in real time. This information is then used to effect closed loop control during the manufacturing process based on product quality attributes and not just the ‘traditional’ process parameters. One of the many benefits to be gained from using synTQ; is that compounds that traditionally would have required multiple hold points in a batch process for quality control reasons, plus a finished goods pre-release hold and test procedure, can be produced with holistic, automated quality assurance – to regulatory standards – in-process and released immediately. This serves to slash the time to market for pharmaceutical products, offering real-time release from the manufacturing line to distribution.

Paul Gillham commented: “As a business providing a proven PAT enabling solution we want to share the experiences we have gained through implementation of the technology in real world processes plus look to the future. We attend every IFPAC event as it gives us a great opportunity to liaise with existing and potential users, so we can further push the paradigm shift that is currently occurring in pharmaceutical production. I am pleased to be part of Ian’s session during which he will impart his great experience of working with the post processing of big data to optimise manufacturing processes. We both look forward to seeing you there.”

IFPAC Washington takes place from the 27th February – 2nd March 2017 at the Bethesda North Marriott, North Bethesda, Maryland U.S.A. Optimal will be available throughout the event to discuss your pharmaceutical processing requirements at Booth 204. ‘Real-Time Data Management’ will take place on Thursday 2nd March during the PM-III session, in Grand Ballroom H from 1.05pm onwards.