Cortona Pharma & Biotech Delegates Urged to put ‘Game Changing’ PAT Technology into Practice…

The ‘Advances in Pharmaceutical Innovation for Improving Manufacturing Control’ conference running from October 7-10, 2012 at the Centro Convegni Sant’Agostino, Cortona, Italy is a significant international meeting of its type.

What many delegates may not be expecting is for Optimal, one of the leading players in the process syntq_4software and automation integration market, to have overcome the technical challenges posed by the application of potentially game changing PAT technology in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries and be urging delegate companies to consider an implementation strategy right now.

The dedicated aim of the conference is to focus delegates on Quality by Design, Process Optimization, Continuous Manufacturing, Sustainability, Supply Chain Management and Regulatory Harmonization within the Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and related Manufacturing Industries, or, in-short the main drivers behind Process Analytical Technology (PAT) implementation.

Optimal will be presenting synTQ® V4.0 at the conference, a fully developed software platform that enables enterprise level Process Analytical Technology (PAT) implementation. With the release of synTQ® V4.0, life science, chemical, food and cosmetics companies can now use one robust and proven software platform to develop, deploy and manage Process Analytical Technology (PAT) from a research laboratory through to a global production network.

The conference is intended to benefit management teams within the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and related industries with in depth discussions between managers, executives and leaders in the industry as well as internationally recognized research institutions. Involvement by the FDA and EMA is also expected to provide added opportunities for interaction regarding Regulatory Harmonisation.

The Program – is designed to bring a range of participants to the table creating an invaluable opportunity to discuss the latest global challenges, trends and solutions impacting pharmaceutical manufacturing and control. International representatives from Government, Industry, Academia and other Institutions will in attendance. The program will focus on Regulatory Aspects, Quality by Design (QbD), Process Analytical Technology PAT, Process Optimization, and New Technology Leading to Improved Process Control.

The launch from Optimal Industrial Automation is completely synchronous with the aims of the event, synTQ® V4.0 is the latest major update of the pioneering PAT implementation management software from Optimal and has already been successfully deployed; as such, it brings truly practical commercial application of PAT to the Cortona Pharmaceutical & Biotech conference.

There will be a chance to meet Optimal representatives face-to-face at the conference and in the exhibition area. For up to date details on the program, visit